Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Blog updates, small changes

 Hi folks!

When I started this blog in 2008 I named it after an in-joke between me and my sweetie. 14 years later,
more enlightened folks have since argued that the label "gaijin" might be too poisoned to re-appropriate. Besides, I long ago stopped using it, in favor of "outlander" (because the Sean Connery scifi flick is way kewl).

So I finally get around to doing some housecleaning and renaming things.

This is now BIG OUTLANDER's joint. Unfortunately, I have also shrunk in the intervening years but "kinda-medium-height outlander's Japan visits" sounds naff.

Any visit updates?

Covid has kept me away from Japan since spring 2019, when my sweetie and I did fun inflatable-kayak outings around Kamakura and hiked Mt. Kintoki (both trails; unfortunately cloudy at summit - no glorious view of Fuji-san). Also brought a tiny folding steel camp stove and grilled much meat on a beach.

Maybe I dig up some pictures and put them up here?

I swear I will get back to Japan, as soon as they let common, garden-variety tourists in again.

...to be continued.

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